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American Vampire (Vampire for Hire #3)

American Vampire (Vampire for Hire #3)
By: R. Rain J. 
(Indie Author)

The book three in the series. This book is so sad and also has plenty of changes to Sam's life. Her son is sick and gets sicker as the book goes on. She has a case with a local museum that a ghost helps her solve. The bigger case is the little girl who calls her for help. It is sad case with a happy ending. The problem I have is that for such a devoted Mom she spends so much time away from her dying son while he's in the hospital. She even comments about Danny being bedside and being nice, yet she's off constantly. If she'd said a little about the case and that it involved a little girl whose Mom was killed and she's being held by a drug dealer then it wouldn't have been as bad. I liked the new PI's that are in this book, and a great twist with Det. Hanner. What a fight Sam has with the bad guy and rescuing the little girl. The book ends with Sam making her decision on whether to change her son or not.