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Vampire Moon (Vampire for Hire #2)

Vampire Moon (Vampire for Hire #2) 
By: J. R. Rain (Indie Author)

The second book in the series. This time she has two cases. One is a abused lady whose husband is out to finish the job he's tried more then once and Sam is hired to protect her. The second case is to find the low life mob guy who killed a witness & is hired by her widow. She gains/learns some new abilities in this book. Great ending to the mob guy case. She leaves the low life with her client & others are showing up when she leaves and she hears gun shots. It leaves it up to you what happened but is clear that he will no longer hurt anyone else. Her other job as a bodyguard has a unintended quirk, the husband is a client of Kingsley. Great ending to that case too. Really like Det. Sherbet. She finally meets Fang, & what a twist as to who that is, but nothing happens from it, maybe in a future book more comes from it. Her husband, Danny, is still smarmy but finally gets his.