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Thirty Four Minutes DEAD

Thirty Four Minutes DEAD 
by Steve Hammond Kaye

This is a must read book that you will surely love to read. It is well - written with excellent storyline.

Gregory Vain, a pioneering neurosurgeon attempts revolutionary explorations on the human brain of the recently deceased. The genius of Vain is recognised by powerful security organisations in Britain and the United States, funded by secret organisations they initiate ‘The Memory-Camera Project’.

The scientific ability to unlock the frozen images in the minds of the dead and to read the living brain has far reaching consequences – access to these image-vaults are stored and replayed. The murder victims’ slayer is identified in the last moments stationed in the cortex, can frame the guilt and evil of the killer and bring them to swift justice – in an ideal world. The MC-Project; invisible to the wider world until global revelations takes place in Washington.

The spine-chilling ramifications for mankind manifest themselves in dystopian proportions within this macabre novel containing violence, sex and neo-techno thriller and survival-horror elements – the absolute Halloween read will make you question the relationship between mankind, science and secret agendas.